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Digging Into (Open) Data - Rufus Pollock from the OKFN
Rufus Pollock | The Long Struggle for Open Knowledge
Keynote by Rufus Pollock on Open Bibliography and Open Bibliographic Data at UKSG Annual Conference
Rufus Pollock at Code for America
Rufus Pollock, University of Cambridge
OGD 2011 Rufus Pollock
26C3: CKAN: apt-get for the Debian of Data 1/7
Waldo Jaquith, Director of the US Open Data Institute, speaks at OpenGov Chicago
Open Data and Digital Services: Maree Adshead, 13 May 2015, Open Knowledge Australia
CKAN apt get for the Debian of Data
International Open Data Day
The Power of Data: Extractives Data Event in Washington